What About those Arab "Israeli" Lawmakers (Members of Knesset)?
. . . a conference the[Israeli] lawmaker [Ahmed Tibi] attended in Doha last year in which he reportedly registered as a representative for the state of "Palestine" and not Israel. Tibi, who once was an official adviser to late PLO Leader Yasser Arafat, has multiple times represented himself as acting for "Palestine."
Arabs in Israel, let alone in its Legislative Body
These are not "Israeli." Israel is the only state in which Jews should be able to survive not constantly at risk of dangers ranging from discrimination to murder by those who hate Jews--Nazis, Followers of Mahomet, etc.
Only Jews should be allowed to hold Israeli citizenship. Israeli should mean a member of the people of Israel--who can nowadays be only a Jew.
The swinish Tibi mouthed about Israel being an "apartheid state"
"I asked Tibi if he thinks it appropriate for a Knesset member to be blackening Israel's image by calling it an apartheid state and going around as a paid Knesset member and yet representing himself as from the so-called state of Palestine, which doesn't exist," [ZOA president] Klein said.
There should be NO (zero) Arab citizens of Israel. And can there be anything worse than a state in which one ethnicity is completely banned from existing: Saudi Arabia--and how many Jews are allowed to live in the Arab part of Israel (Jordan)?
Arab enemies of Israel--in the Knesset or not--should be expelled from the Jewish state. Or . . . what what is it again that traitors deserve? . . .
. . . but not in the compassionate though suicidal state of Israel.
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